
Cloud Services


An overview of the cloud services we provide



Software-as-a-Service is here we provide you with ready to use software. This SaaS package are standardized software packages we offer in a complete solutions for direct usage.


Infrastructure-as-a-Service is the most commonly know cloud service, this provides virtual machines, containers or jails. In this way there is an abstraction layer between the physical hardware and the virtual hardware. VanTosh provides different types, levels and solutions of IaaS.


Platform-as-a-Service is a cloud solution to run your applications on the Cloud Platform.


Metal-as-a-Service is where bare-metal machines are offered in a cloud based solution. This allows you to have full control of the machine and to manage, install any sofware on that machine.


Function-as-a-Service is our offering for running your functions in our Cloud. With this technology it is easy to run specific functions in the cloud.